For years I had heard of 'The Snowdrop Church' and I knew it is in one of the Meon Valley villages not too far away. After watching last night's weather forecast I did a little looking it up on the 'net. It is the church of Our Lady at Warnford and as the forecasters got it right today, we set out to see how much it earns the title.
As we followed the public footpath across the park towards the church we began to get glimpses of drifts of white and before long the site's reputation was confirmed.I had read about the Snowdrop Walks held on Sunday afternoons during February. We were pleasantly surprised to find that even on this weekday, the church was open. There is a serenity about ancient rural churches that just begs to be lingered with, breathed in and absorbed.
Evidence of the dedication and contribution of the parishioners
The play of sunlight over a family resting place
The delicate iron tracery in an old flint wall
The walk back through the park and across the river
Such a wonderful way to spend a spring afternoon. And on returning home I noticed something tiny but, for me, very significant nestled amongst the grass and celandines under the apple tree in the front garden.
Our first crocus. Remember how I had said that this event might signify a more auspicious time to set out with new resolve than the first day of the year? I also said the idea of choosing a theme or a word was more appealing than specific resolutions. So I will - I choose the word Exercise. I want to include the obvious physical connotations but go beyond that to exertions of the mind as well and the acquisition of new skills for not only health but that sense of well-being. Where did I see 'Move the Body - Feed the Brain'? That's what I have in mind. And may be with today's walk, I have already made a start.